If you have a car and you drive it, you need automobile insurance. So, in the sea of insurance commercials, radio jingles, roadside billboards, and friendly recommendations, how do you determine which car insurance is right for you? You should learn how to shop smart and understand what is, and better yet, what is not covered by your insurance policy.

What Kind of Coverage Do You Need?

Every state has minimum car insurance requirements for their residents. This details the bare minimum that you must have to drive your car legally. Although be sure to remember that minimal coverage does provide you minimal protection. You want to make sure that you are covered for an amount at least equal to the total value of your assets.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage is an optional add-on insurance protection, that is not included in the minimum car insurance requirements. This covers any damages that are not the result of a collision with another vehicle, such as, damage from theft, fire and explosion, vandalism, hitting an animal or damage from flying objects.


When deciding on an insurance policy, review your finances and determine what deductible you are comfortable with. A higher deductible will reduce your monthly premium, but you will have to pay more out of pocket in the event of an accident. If you have not been in an accident that was your fault and you have a good driving record, you may want to opt for a higher monthly premium and lower deductible.


Check with your insurance company to see what kinds of discounts you may be eligible for. Most auto insurance companies offer discounts for low mileage cars, student discounts, environmentally friendly discounts, good driver discounts, and more.

Fender Mender: Repair Shop & Car Insurance Experts

If you are in an accident, let Fender Mender handle the insurance claim for you! We work with all major insurance companies to handle the process and billing to give you peace of mind knowing we are doing the insurance work for you. Once you bring your car to us for accident repair, your insurance adjuster can perform the appraisal on the spot at our shop. We will keep in contact with you throughout the process, providing you updates on your repair and your insurance claim. We can handle it all for you so you can get back to your life.